Navagraha Temples Tour Package In Kumbakonam - TamilNadu Around The Navagraha temples denote a set of nine temples tied together by their association with the nine celestial bodies or the Navagrahams.
1.Surya Baghawan (Sun)
This temple is close to Aduthurai and 15 km from Kumbakonam and also a Kali Amman Temple that should be visited. Suriyanar (Sun) Temple tower is 15.5 meter high. It has three tiers. At the top of the tower there are five kalasam. Outside the Rajagopuram (main tower) in the north side there is a holy tank called Surya Pushkarni where one should take a bath, and those who are not in a position to bath should sprinkle water on their head.
As you enter the Temple on the right side there is the Theertha Vinayakar (Ganesh) Sannidhi is there and in the northern corridor one will find Thejas Chandikeswarar Sannidhi. In the temple facing west, Surya Baghawan is positioned, accompanied on both sides by his consorts Usha and Chayadevi.After Surya Baghawan one should go to Sabanayakar Mandapam and offer prayers to Lord Nataraja, the Navagraha, and at Sthabana Mandapam worship Sri Kasi Viswanathar and Sri Visalakshi Ammai.
Mantra for Sun - Aum hrim hrim suriyaye namah ഓം
Temple Timings - 6 A.M. to 12.30 P.M. and 4 P.M. to 8 P.M.
2.Chandra Baghawan (Moon)
Thingaloor is one of the Saivite holy places in Tamil Nadu. Thingal means Moon. At this temple only the southern entrance is used. On the left of the temple Lord Kailashnath and in the opposite side Goddess Periyanayaki.Around the outer corridor we can have darisanam of Lord Dhakshinamoorty and in the eastern side is Chandra BaghawanMoon is one of the benevolent planets among the nine planets. Lord Shiva has three eyes and Moon is considered the left eye of the Lord. Moon is known for her soft nature and is an integral part of Goddess Parasakhi. Monday is the main day of prayer for her.The adverse effect of Moon manifests them in loss of mental peace. Ill health, possibility loss of life in water, fear etc. By worshiping Moon we can get relief from these adverse effects.Those who worship Moon are blessed with her favorable effect such as wealth, good health, and Mother's welfare, auspicious events in the family.
Mantra for moon - Aum som somaye namah AumOr Aum Shrim krim cham chandeaye namah AumTemple Timings - 7 A.M. to 8 P.M
3.Mangaeaga Baghawan (Sevvai) Mars
Mars at Vaitheeswaran Kovil. Mars faces the south, and Lord Dhandayuthapani who is in the east facing Mars. Mars showers on his devotee's benefits such as good harvest in the fields, good income and save his devotees from sufferings. He enhances the respectability and dignity of those who worship him. He also helps his devotees to come out of financial indebtedness. Mars is worshiped on Tuesdays by offering red flowers.
Mantra for Mars - Aum namo hanumate hung ഓം
Temple Timings - 6 A.M. to 1 P.M. and 4P.M. to 9 P.M
4.Budhan Baghawan (Mercury)
Among the nine planets, Budhan Baghawan worshipped in Thiruvenkadu Temple will give bliss. Mercury protects Shiva Bakthas and literary persons. He is green in complexion, soft in nature. He bestows Lord Shiva devotees with the knowledge in Astrology, Sculpture, and Medical treatment of paralysis. He also grants power of expression and success in education, literary pursuits, fame in fine arts, and profession and good relations with scholars. Wednesday is the day to worship him offering green colour items and he likes white kanthal.
Evil effects by Mercury are usually failure in business, set back in profession, lack of mental calibre, and transfer from native place, getting caught in quarrels.
Mantra for Marcury - Aum Mahalakshmaye vidmaheVishnu Priyaye dhi mahi Tanno Lakshmi PrachodayatTemple Timings - 6 A. M to 12 noon and 4 P.M to 9 P.M.
5.Guru Baghawan (Jupiter)
Alangudi is the place where Guru is worshiped as Sri Dhakshinamurthy. Lord Shiva as Abath Sahayar and Goddess Parvathi known as Aelavarkuzhali, are the main deities here.When one visit Guru they should offer 24 ghee or oil lamps which can be got at the temple and after offering the lamps one should walk 24 times around him. He is the Guru of the Devas, and with Guru's grace, even an illiterate person can become a great scholar. The good effect of Guru came in the form of success in life, prosperity and good events like marriages. Guru is the prime benevolent planet among Nine Planets. Thursday is the preferred day for worshipping Guru Baghawan. Wearing yellow clothes, giving away yellow clothes as charity, observing fast on Thursdays are the proper way of worshipping Guru, for propitiation and getting relief from adverse effect of Guru, such as illness and financial difficulty. The choicest flower fro Guru is White Jasmine.
Mantra for Jupiter - Aum Brim brahaspataye Namah ഓം
Temple Timings - 6 A.M. to 1 P.M. and 4P.M. to 9 P.M.
6.Sukra Baghawan (Venus)
Kanjanoor is the holy abode fro Sukra Baghawan. Kananoor is in Thanjavur District, which is two km. away from Suriyanar Kovil near Aduthurai. Those who worship Venus will be bestowed with happy marriage and prosperity. The main deity here is Sri Agnipuriswarar.Venus showers on her devotees many blessings such as health,happiness, comfortable life and wealth. The ill effect of Sukra Dasa may lead to betrayal by women. One may suffer from venereal disease.
By worshiping Venus, one can obtain propitiation from Sukra Dosha (adverse effect) To get rid of evil effect in ones life Venus has to worship on Fridays. She loves to be decorated with white cloths. Those who have a weak Venus in their chart or born on the 6 or any number that add up to 6 should wear a diamond ring
Mantra for Venus - Aum jung, hang sa bhur bhuvan swa kartike namah
swa bhuvan bhur sa hang jung ഓം
Temple Timings - 7 A.M. to 12.30 P.M. and 4P.M. to 8 P.M.
7.Saneeswara Baghawan (Saturn)
Saturn temple is in Thirunallaru, 45 km from Kumbakonam. The name of the temple is Sri Dharparanyeshwarar's temple. It is one of the seven famous Vidangar Temples. This temple is well known and famous for Sri Saneeswara Baghawan for whom a sperarate sanctum is provided. As you enter the northen side Gopuram, the right Sani Baghawan's Sannidhi is there, and faces the east.In the temple corridor, we will come across the idol of 63 Saivite Saints (Nayanmars), Siva Lingam. Ambal, Sri Dhakshinamurthy Swami, Swarna Vinayakar, Skandar, Saptha Vidanga Shiva Lingams, Subramanya Swamy accompanied by his consorts Valli and Daivayanai, Naka Narayanar, Durgai, Chandikesar, Bairavar Natarajar, Suryadeva and others.This temple has many holy tanks and one of it is known as Nala Theertham that is considered most sacred. It is located in the Northwest part of the temple. King Nala took bath in this Tank and got rid of adverse and evil effect. A bath or sprinkling the water from the tank over the head with total devotion will help to get rid of adverse inflictions of evils will vanish and so will sorrow. Saturdays are the most appropriate days for worshipping Sri Sani Baghawan. He should be decorated with black cloth; those who have afflicted Saturn in their horoscope should wear Blue precious stones. Very Saturday one should burn sesame lamp, and this will help reduce adverse effects to a great extentFavourable effect of Sri Sani Baghawan will result in many fortunes and benefits like good health, success in all endeavours, peace of mind, proper respect from members of family and relations, prosperity, interest and enthusiasm in life.Whether one is under Sani's favourable or unfavourable effects, one should constantly worship him. By doing so, one can ensure that the impact of adverse effect is minimised and the benefits of favourable effect are maximised.
Mantra for Saturn - Aum aing hring shring shung shanaishcharaye namah ഓം
Temple Timings - 6 A.M. to 1 P.M. and 4P.M. to 9 P.M.
8.Rahu Baghawan
Rahu temple is in Thirunakeswaram about 5 km form Kumbakonam. The deity of the temple is Nagabatheswarar and the Goddess is Piraiyani Valnuthal Ammai. This temple faces the east; it has four Gopurams and three corridors. The Gopuram has five tiers. As one enters the one can have darisanam of Nirutha Ganapathy, Nandi, Vinayakar
In the outer corridor of the Southern corner, Rahu Baghawan accompanied by his two Devis is found. Adverse effects of Rahu will be, such as, misunderstanding among relations and loss of money, illness and unnecessary medical expenditure.By worshiping Rahu we may get favourable effect such as improvement in financial position, increase in comforts, disappearance of bad habits, development of good habits Rahu may be worshiped on any day. It will reduce the ill effects considerably
Mantra for Rahu - Aum rang rahuve namah ഓം
Temple Timings - 6 A.M. to 1 P.M. and 4P.M. to 8.30 P.M.
9.Ketu Baghawan
He is located at Keelaperumpallam about 20 km from SriKali Here, there is a Temple for Naganatha Swamy. In the temple there is a separate sannidhi for Ketu. Here Ketu is facing west.Evil effect of Ketu will create obstacles in one's endeavours, enemy and ill health.Good effect of Ketu will improve financial position, good health, mental peace and happiness.Worshipping and fasting on Tuesday will relieve the ill effect to a great extend. Worship of Ketu is best done on Tuesday. Fasting on this day will help; you should take sweet potatoes and fruit juice once a day and avoid salt and spices.
Mantra for Ketu - Aum nring nring nring narsinghaye (Nrisimhaye) namah aumTemple .
Timings - 6 A.M. to 1 P.M. and 4P.M. to 8.00 P.M.